Tuesday 14 May 2013

carnivals and fair grounds: general knowledge

It is a festival season which began before lent usually during the month of February. They used to dress up to change their daily life.  During lent there was no parties and they used to fast for  six weeks and the people didn’t eat foods which were expensive like meat, dairy products, fats and sugars. Before the lent any rich foods and drinks had to be put away as an act to god because he had spent forty days in the cold and no food. The food that was put away and they would use it for this giant party called the carnival

The first carnival and masquerade balls were took in medieval Italy, than spread to Spain, Portugal, France and Rhineland Germany and New France and North America. From Spain they moved to the Caribbean and Latin America, the first worldwide carnival took place in cologne Germany in 1823.

carnival in Rome. circa 1650 

Some carnival traditions came from the pre- Christian times. The Italian took the idea from the ancient Roman festivals of saturnalia and bacchanalia. The saturnalia is the temple of Saturn in the Roman forum. Medieval pageants were happening from the Greek and ancient festivals. There was also the corpus Christ which means the Latin rite celebrating the belief in the body and the blood of Jesus Christ and by this the carnivals where a manifesto of a medieval folk culture. The costumes are based on the pre Christian rituals of the rites involving the masked figures in that time.

The West Indian people went to the United Kingdom with the traditions of the Caribbean celebrations however in these countries Notting hill, London, Leeds, Yorkshire and other places they became alone and individual events and are not connected to the religious cycle because they take place in summer months.

Carnival - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. 2013. Carnival - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. [ONLINE] Available at: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carnival. [Accessed 15 May 2013].

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