Monday 20 May 2013

carnival in Netherlands

The carnival in Netherlands is celebrated in every spring before Ash Wednesday.

The rituals of the carnival:

 The Carnival committee sees that nobody is sad and not is series. They hold parades with floats and paper figures on them. There are bands who sing oompah music and everybody dances the canga in the streets.

From where is started?

It dates back from the Second World War. At first the carnival was a good excuse to eat and drink. The name carnival is connected to the word meat because carne which means meat. In the seventeenth century the carnival faded because it got influenced from the north. After the Second World War they continued the tradition, they elected their own carnival prince. In the sixties it spread all over the provinces (foreign).

carnival in Netherlands.


Celebrate Carnival in Holland - article - 2013. Celebrate Carnival in Holland - article - [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 20 May 2013].

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